Sunday, September 16, 2007

10/9/07's d&t lesson! (:

hi everyone, okay... let me recall what had happened on last week's d&t class.
firstly, we go through a few topics... [ but cant remember what is it, find it out later]
then, we started to do our night light. For me, i left a little part of cutting the acrylic,
so after i complete the cutting, i went to use sand paper to make the sides smoother.
after that, i went to dril holes using the machine. [ will check the name later ]
i had drilled 3 holes because the 1st 2 hole i drilled was tilted, and my night light won't be standing straight. after when i just finish to drilled 3 holes, time was up already.
so we have to stop work. and i can only continue in the next lesson. which is tomorrow.
hopefully i can finish my night light (:

written by: kahhwee (:

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